Head Line on the Palm – Meanings in Palmistry In palmistry, Line of Head starts from the thumb side of your hand and runs across the hand diagonally or horizontally. Signs for Winning Lottery or Gambling in Palmistry, Head Line Reveals Your Suitable Career Path. If the hook is low in the palm, the individual can be miserly, selfish and cheap. These signify events that are yet to come. The larger the island is, the more serious your metal crisis is. The head line reveals a person's wisdom, belief, attitude, thinking ability, strain capacity, creative ability as well as abilities of memory, self-control and more. The head line (also wisdom line or intelligent line) is the second important line in palm reading. ... An island on the head line represents you are distracted and suffer a memory frustration. The head line runs horizontally across the center of the palm starting between the thumb and the Jupiter finger and then travels across the hand. Financial News Articles for Panther Metals Plc Ord Npv updated throughout the day. If the head line ends in a trident like formation where one branch goes to the … Long and straight ? Panther Metals News Headlines. Of the four major lines, the first three (heart, head, and life) should be relatively easy for you to locate on your hands. Signifies positive outcomes and success in career, academics and creativity. Head line palmistry. (Fig 9), ● If your head line and life line are joined at the beginning and soon split, it indicates a decisive character with flexibility. Head line starts at the point between thumb and index finger and generally reaches until the midst of the palm. The fourth major palm line is the fate line, which is sometimes broken, faded, or even missing altogether. (Fig 10), ● If the head line and life line overlap for some distance from the beginning before the split, it indicates an introverted, prudent, and thoughtful character. It begins from the palm edge between the thumb and index finger, and reaches out over the palm in the center part with the existence line beneath and the heart line above. In Palmistry and Hand Analysis this is called a \"Simian Line\". They look at many possibilities before taking action. The heart line represents emotions while the head line is our mentality, the way we think. It is amongst the important lines that are considered in palmistry to predict one's present life events and analyse future prospects. Many people believe that if the head line is long, then the person is smart and will achieve good results, and become rich. Extremely rare, but it can possibly indicate laziness, sluggishness, dullness or even detachment from reality. Locate the headline directly above your life line extending horizontally across your palm. This signifies an individual who is undergoing personal conflict, melancholy or confusion and can have a problem setting positive goals. Head Line The second line, which, according to our hypothesis, receives the Electric Current when it enters our bodies through the finger of Jupiter, is the line which may be seen tracing its way across the hand below the line of Heart, and this has been named the line of the Head (82). Indicates intelligence and a good memory. Also you are usually mentally weak, sensitive and lack power of concentration. The Head Line may end mid-palm or continue so that it extends almost the entire width of the hand. Signifies signs of struggle, possible depression, sorrow and distress and disappointments in certain points in life. If the heart line is short and ends under the Saturn mount as … Branched upward ? Each different origin area reveals a different mental approach to dealing with life. (Fig 24). Straight ? It starts from the palm edge between the thumb and forefinger, and extends across the palm in the middle part with the life line below and the heart line … When reading the palm, always remember that the names of the lines give hints as to what they represent. These indicate the vital and crucial decisions made in one?s life that can have a direct impact on your fate in your life. So a steady head line, quite deep, quite strong, and one that carries right across the palm shows that a … Along this line, the person is a lot to learn. However, if there is a break in the line, it can mean that the person may be afflicted by deep depression. Can the Length of the Life Line Predict Longevity? This signifies and inability to concentrate or a lack of common sense, a daydreamer. Trident on the head line If the head line is frequently cut by small lines, it indicates that the subject will have headaches. The Head Line in Palm is also linked to our love life - Those who have knowledge of Palmistry and Astrology would know that some specific markings and lines on our palm … The Head Line is the line that runs across the palm, starting midway between the thumb and the forefinger. The Head Line origin indicates to what degree a person approaches life aggressively or cautiously. The headline is also known as the wisdom line. Head line palmistry. If the head line is weak on the left palm and deep on the right palm, it indicates that the strength of the brain has increased and the person will be able to exert his brain more. The head line runs off the life line and comes straight across the palm. Indicates a very successful individual and not the cowardly type. Head Line The mind plays a pivotal role in shaping our destiny, and the head line shines light on our intellectual curiosities and pursuits. The larger the island is, the more serious your metal crisis is. The Head Line is considered one of the most important lines on the hand in Chinese palmistry, and is symbolic of the mental and psychological … This indicates a self-centered, untrustworthy individual. The fourth major palm line is the fate line, which is sometimes broken, faded, or even missing altogether. A short head line means that the person doesnt like to think too much and simply plods through life without making any mental effort. Deep ? In palmistry line head is considered one of the four major lines on the palm. The heart line (or love line) is the first horizontal line you see on your palm. The bad effects get aggravated if the head line goes towards the mount of Saturn. An island on the head line represents you are distracted and suffer a memory frustration. The Head Line origin is on the thumb side of the hand, and it runs toward the percussion side of the hand. Broken ? So, you could overcome difficulties with the help of friends and achieve great success in career. Curved or sloping ? It shows the power of the mind and its capabilities. This line is a representation of our mentality and intelligence. The head line doesn’t normally reach all the way across the hand or even the Mercury edge of the hand. It is amongst the important lines that are considered in palmistry to predict one's present life events and analyse future prospects. There are two lines that run across the palm, the Head Line and the Heart Line. The head line, or also called as wisdom line, is located right above the life line (below the heart line) and travels across the palm. Female of this kind of line is usually suspicious, fails in perseverance, easy to be lured and tends to be willful. Absent ? It's just above the head line starting from the edge of the palm under the little finger, running across the palm and ending below the middle finger or forefinger or the place where they join. Copyright © 2011 - 2019 Psychic Library, LLC. The Head Line. Head Line In Palmistry. It is located between heart line and life line. This line begins just above the life line (the 3rd main line) and has a starting place that is somewhere between the thumb and the middle finger. Look at the head line to find your learning style and desire for knowledge. LONG HEAD LINE. Meaning It depicts the mental or intellectual ability of the person. Also, the length, bending degree, chains, donuts, branches, crossing, and stars of the head line convey different meanings. It is the straight line at the center of the palm. When analyzing your hands, a palm reader will look for three basic areas: lines, mounts, and shapes. It can also indicate an individual who is untrustworthy, restless, unstable or has a short attention span. If the head line is frequently cut by small lines, it indicates that the subject will have headaches. The head line (likewise shrewdness line or savvy line) is the second significant line in palm perusing. The head line, also known as the wisdom line (considered one of the most important lines in Chinese palmistry), reveals mental and psychological makeup and intellectual development and intuitive abilities. The Head Line origin may originate from six general areas. Everybody knows that there are three main lines in palmistry, namely life line, head line and heart line.For some people, the head line and the heart line overlap into a single line, which is called the Simian Line, Simian Crease or Single Transverse Palmar Crease. The longer the overlap is, the more worried, careful and indecisive you are. Reading lines takes dedication but becomes more comfortable over time. Head line in the palm can be defined as wisdom or intelligence line. This line can be read in either direction (from the pinkie finger to the index … They can also represent distractions that take an individual off his intellectual path. The major line directly below the heart line is called the Head Line AKA the Line of Wisdom and shows those conducting a palm reading what is happening in the mind. In Hindu, this line is called dhan rekha and matri rekha, it deals with our beliefs, our philosophy, our attitude on and how we approach life. Short ? Faint ? Head Line In Palmistry: Head line may start from 3 places, 1. from the mount of Jupiter means region under the index finger on palm, 2. from Life line, 3. from the active Mars region, means inside the life line, the region between Venus mount and Jupiter mount.Head line is also called “The line of wealth”. The second line, which, according to our hypothesis, receives the Electric Current when it enters our bodies through the finger of Jupiter, is the line which may be seen tracing its way across the hand below the line of Heart, and this has been named the line of the Head (82). The significance of palmistry is very much in life. In palmistry line head is considered one of the four major lines on the palm. Indicates inconsistent thinking or nervousness and mental exhaustion. Head line starts at the point between thumb and index finger and generally reaches until the midst of the palm. May have a tendency to be selfish. The headline is also known as the wisdom line. Most people have two major transverse lines in the upper half of the palm. The head line is the line just below the heart line, generally starting high up toward the first knuckle of the index finger on the thumb side of the palm and running diagonally downward. Represents an individual who thinks things through and does not overreact. In palmistry, it occupies the second position in terms of importance. If you have such a line, it indicates you are smart. Chained ? Longer head lines may represent that you think through situations methodically while shorter lines mean you're more impulsive. The locations of the island convey different meanings: ● For an island below the Mount of Jupiter (located below the forefinger), it means you were born with a poor nutrition. Head Line. Indicates a romantic and creative and idealistic individual who is open to new ideas and is not afraid to investigate concepts or beliefs. The usual shape is slightly curved and free from islands, marks and variations. (Fig 11). If the line is chained throughout, you may have brain disease. If the head line is weak on the left palm and deep on the right palm, it indicates that the strength of the brain has increased and the person will be able to exert his brain more. Branched downward ? if the head line sweep s down the palm and ends in a fork, it indicates a very intelligent individual. The heart line (also called love line) is one of the three major lines in palm reading. It is the line that represents intellect, wisdom, intelligence, common sense, and all things related to the mind. Hooked ? It … Identify the head line, which begins on the right hand side and ends in parallel with your ring finger. In palmistry the head line is also known as the line of the mind. The larger the island is, the more serious your metal crisis is. This indicates great imagination and someone who uses his psychic powers and writing and speaking abilities throughout life. Judge from Money Line. This signifies inner conflict with an individual?s practical and emotional sides. Head line in Palmistry. A long line displays someone with a broader range of analytical interests. head line cut by line and there are small lines on that line. It can also represent a pleasant person or the direct opposite ? (Fig 8), If you head line goes closely to the heart line at the end, you are usually confident and are good at personal relationship. Forked ? Long ? How Many Marriages Will You Have in Life? PALM Share News. Wavy ? This line begins just above the life line, between the thumb and the index finger and runs across the palm toward the other edge of the palm horizontally. This can indicate increased brainpower. Medical references call it the \"Proximal Transverse Palmar Crease\" or … ● If the end part curves, it shows you are sympathetic, rich in imagination and romantic. Palmistry can be quite revealing to the trained eye, and all training has to start somewhere! It is located between heart line and life line. But you are easy to suffer from chronic diseases like hypertension and diabetes. TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE BASICS OF PALMISTRY, VISIT THE PALMISTRY ROOM. Just as the other two major lines (life line and heart line), the head line appears on the palms of almost every people – its lack is believed to indicate severe mental illness. They are upright lines situated under … The head line indicates intellectual pursuits, and the lessons one must learn in life. Also, you are a heavy drinker. Of the four major lines, the first three (heart, head, and life) should be relatively easy for you to locate on your hands. Heart line ends under the Middle finger. Head line in palmistry is considered as the second most important line. The head line, also known as the wisdom line (considered one of the most important lines in Chinese palmistry), reveals mental and psychological makeup and intellectual development and intuitive abilities. This indicates an individual who is realistic, down-to-earth, unimaginative, materialistic, logical, good organizational skills or a having great attention to detail. In Palmistry and Hand Analysis these are called the Heart Line and the Head Line.When the Heart Line and Head Line are fused together, only one major line is present, and it extends all the way across the hand from edge to edge. If it goes upward towards the heart line it is not considered good. In palmistry there exist money lines. In palmistry the head line is also known as the line of the mind. Why not start by learning the basic lines of the palm? Many people believe that if the head line is long, then the person is smart and will achieve good results, and become rich. Very long, extending across entire palm ? Islands are generally found on the main lines on palm and indicate the bad luck. It is right … This person enjoys debate and can see both sides of an issue. Sometimes indicates having big dreams without being centered. Through the palmistry, human can … Branches ? It depicts the mental or intellectual ability of the person. It shows the power of the mind and its capabilities. Interpret the heart line. Infect head line is considered as a most effective line on the palm, and for any palmist it is essentially required to observe them clearly. Heart Line. The locations of the island convey different meanings: If there are chains at the beginning of head line, you usually look pudding-headed with a poor memory, disordered thought, at the same time lack of determination. In palmistry, island is a sign of obstruction and destruction which vary with the location. This line is one of the most significant on the palm because it reveals a great deal about the essence of you. Along this line, the person is a lot to learn. What Does Having Too Many Lines on Palm Indicate? In general, a deep and thin head line is good for a person. Today, let’s just start with the 3 main lines that people look at in palmistry: the heart line, the head line, and the life line. If both of your head line and life line are chained, it shows you are weak in health and lack of vitality. An island on the head line represents you are distracted and suffer a memory frustration. Don't worry if you struggle to locate your fate line or any other important lines. Head line in the palm can be defined as wisdom or intelligence line. If the line ends with a strong fork, it is called a writer?s fork or lawyer?s fork. This denotes an excellent memory, concentration and a sensible nature. This indicates a practical and non-complex individual and someone who does not beat around the bush. Indicates a versatile, complex individual. a cruel person. It causes sudden death. In the normal course, the head line goes straight across the palm or slopes slightly downwards. … All Rights Reserved. In palmistry, it occupies the second position in terms of importance. This person trusts his inklings and intuition. The head line commences from the space in between the Index finger and thumb and usually runs horizontally at least halfway across the palm. Head line in Palmistry. Sister or Double ? Crosses ? Line origin may originate from six general areas the fate line, it also. 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